The guilt finally got to me, so I went along and re-checked to make sure that my links list (it’s on the left side, scroll down a little to get past the summaries and you’ll see it) includes all the members of the SimonG blog ring. In the process I discovered I’d missed adding a couple to my folder of bookmarks that I use to browse blogs, so I added them there too. Two more blogs to read each day! Now all I need is a clever script that will let me print the latest entry from each, so I can read them at lunch!
I had an interesting idea today. I want to find a good map of Britain, something wall-size perhaps, and do the old-fashioned push-pin thing to show where all the blog ring members are! I might resort to doing it with a large JPG map instead, but for starters the push-pins might do.
Problem is, I don’t know where most of these folks are. So, if you’re a blogringer and are so inclined, give me a basic idea where you’re located. I don’t need an address or anything specific, just the town or city. Those I know so far (short list!):
Henry the Thirst: New Haw
Miss Sixty: Leicestershire
The Merman: Portsmouth Harbor?
Carol: Somewhere in Wales?
The T-1 man cometh this afternoon, so hopefully I’ll have a nice, high-speed connection by the end of the day! If so, the webcam will be turned back on, to the cheers of a grateful world. 🙂