
Just days after installing the Movable Type software for the new blog, apparently the spammers found me … and went to work quite fast! In the first couple of days, I received 650 comment spams. In the time it took to delete those, I got 40 more, and in the time it took to delete those, 70 more came in.

So, I started thinking. My hosting provider, after hearing me whine about wanting an easy Movable Type install, decided to set one up for WordPress instead … and after informally polling the chatroom, it appeared that WP would be the wiser choice anyway. For those who have wondered, this is how the blog software is distributed among the 24 Blogringers:

WordPress 11 *
Blogger 8
MovableType 3
LiveJournal 1
Other 1 **
* Counting me
** bBlog … where’d you find that one, Andy? 🙂

So with some help from SimonG, from the infamous BC out west, and from Omally and Carol, I made the tough choice to convert to WordPress and spent half the evening selecting a template that fit my needs, tweaking it, adding the links to the Blogringers and other blogs, and figuring out how all this works.

I think I’ve got it halfway right … but let me know if I don’t. There is a SPAM filter implemented but I have so far not managed to get to Simon’s other suggestions, it’s late and I don’t trust myself to hack code when I’m this sleepy. Tomorrow. If you have trouble commenting, you may need to enter your e-mail address for now, otherwise it’ll flag it as a blank field and think you’re a miscreant … but it won’t display your e-mail address anywhere, I promise. Except to me. Mwahahahaha.


  1. Just wanted to comment on the lovely re-do…

    A bit of spit and polish does wonders, eh, Yank?

  2. Dear Friend

    I have 35 billion dollars tucked up under my mattress and am looking for a mug to help me get it out of the country.

    My father was the president of Europe and robbed the money from the European monetary fund before his death. It was not spotted as he put it on his expense account as “Sundries”.

    All you need to do is send me $2000 dollars to pay my dentist bill and I will send you all the money by Fed-Ex.

    This is not spam…honest!

    Liam Blair son of President of Europe 😉

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