An open letter to Joyce McKibben

Joyce McKibben, Mayor
City of Lithonia, GA

Dear Ms. McKibben:

Let me offer my congratulations. By overstepping your authority under the city’s charter and summarily firing your police chief, you forced your city council to rehire him on the spot. Your actions disrupted a public council meeting and left you looking like a petulant child.

By changing passwords on city computers, you then proceeded to disrupt city business and the payroll of city employees. You wasted the time of a state court by forcing them to issue a ruling on your authority under the city’s charter, which, predictably, was a ruling against you and in favor of the council.

You took your case to the media, too, whining and complaining until you successfully made your city a laughingstock and seriously impacted the success of local businesses.

It’s clear at this point that you’ve lost the respect of your citizens and just about everyone else who has heard of you, now that you’ve put your personal interests before those of your office and your city. Wouldn’t this be a great time for you to step down and just go away, before you do any more damage? Frankly, I’m tired of hearing about your childish rants in every newscast. If you have any regard for your city and its image, or even your own image, resignation is your sole remaining honorable option. Everyone thinks you unworthy of the office at this point; any other action will simply remove all doubt.

I’m posting this as an open letter because your mailbox at is full, and I can imagine why.


Scott Johnson

In September 2008, the City of Lithonia held a special election for the purpose of recalling Joyce McKibben. The recall succeeded, with the citizens voting more than 3 to 1 in favor of booting her out of office. Predictably enough, she said she wouldn’t go quietly, but the important thing is that she did go. Chalk up one for the people of Lithonia.


  1. Gosh. I thought British politicians were bad enough, but this woman sounds like a real nutjob.

  2. is there a picture of a small ape that looks like this politician too?

    her name is right already, Mc Gibbon

  3. 6w8yl7rg56lhj8sh

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