
A much more interesting blog than this one is under construction. It’s long, based on an idea from MMM, and it’s taking a lot of time to write. I promise it will see the light of day soon.

I’ve gotten back into the habit of reading my friends’ blogs, and I’ve done pretty well at keeping up for a month or two now. Google Reader helps me by keeping track of what I’ve read and what I’ve yet to read. This morning, the “Next” button took me to the blog of a friend I used to chat with fairly often, but with whom I’ve been somewhat out of touch.

I really have been feeling rather down for the last few days, and perhaps that’s why I took something I read on that blog rather badly. Everyone has the right and responsibility to look after those they’re close to.  This blogger feels that her sister is “slumming” because she’s involved with a man who isn’t employed, drinks more than he should, isn’t highly educated, wore a name tag on his last job, and isn’t very physically attractive. The word and the reasons hit a little close to home for me, and I reacted. Before I could apprehend myself for aggravated criminal shitheadedness, I left a whiny, knee-jerk comment objecting to the generalization which probably wasn’t even a generalization.

There is a semi-formal definition of slumming on Wikipedia, but mine is simpler. Slumming is when a person of perceived greater worth dates someone of perceived lesser worth, purely for the thrill of it.

I cannot say I’ve experienced slumming firsthand. I have never passed on the imaginary pathogen known as “slum cooties.” I have, however, been judged on such criteria as my socioeconomic status, the density of my hair, the condition of my teeth, my weight, and my job. Some people really think that these are the indicators of one’s worth as a human, as a companion, and as a life partner. Naive as I am, I still can’t believe we (as a people) not only tolerate this level of superficiality, but espouse and embrace it.

Oh, of course, we put a nice, modern, politically correct spin on it. The old bumper stickers that read, “NO FAT CHICKS” are completely unacceptable now. The sentiments are still around, though.  Ever see this photo?

How To Spot A Rich Guy
How To Spot A Rich Guy

Sometimes, I really don’t know what to make of this picture. Natural selection works in all sorts of strange ways.  Some women will feign attraction to a man, and even marry him, because his wealth outweighs all of the other criteria which select against him. On the other hand, sometimes a woman will be honestly, emotionally attracted to someone regardless of physical and socioeconomic deficits which select against him. Is the woman in the picture, as most people surmise, “out of his league?” Is she, in the alternative view, so shallow he may be out of her league? Wait. Could it be — horror of horrors — that the two of them actually care for each other as people, rather than as bank accounts or bodies? Could it be that they’re holding hands and being seen in public together because they love each other?

Okay, you’ve caught me. I’m an idealist. I believe that love does exist, and I believe that love is blind and deaf and financially clueless, and that it draws two people together by their hearts. I believe that a life partnership that’s not based on love first and foremost is a fraud. Many times I have seen situations that are very much like that photograph. If I even start to wonder about what they see in each other, I immediately accuse myself of the aforementioned criminal shitheadedness and remember that I know nothing about their relationship beyond what I see on the surface, and that it might well be based on exactly what it should have at its core.

My life has been punctuated by a series of failed relationships. Some ended amicably, if painfully, and some ended badly. Until my present fiancee’, though, every single one of those women wanted something other than me. They wanted a big bank account, a full head of hair, a perfect smile, an advanced degree, a slim body, bigger muscles, and more fashionable clothing and eyeglasses. What I had, what I did, and what I looked like were all much more important than who I was. I am not bitter, and I’m not angry about this. I hope all of them eventually find what they were looking for, and that they’re lucky enough to find love at the same time, with the same person.

I’m sorry, anonymous blogger. You have every right to worry about your sister. Except for the drinking and the fact that I’m not unemployed (yet?), I’m probably an awful lot like your sister’s new beau, and it was far too easy for me to swing that around and make it personal. When I remember that a lovely woman of fine lineage and good education considers me worth her while and worthy of her hand, a lot of the sting disappears.

One of my idols, George Carlin, once said that inside every cynical person there is a disappointed idealist. Nothing could possibly describe me more accurately.


  1. Good points, well made. I have no idea why M bothers with me (it certainly isnt my bank account or drinking or smoking).
    It is just better when two people are right for each other, with none of the scheming.
    Obviously, women have have traditionally been less financially independent than men, hence the pretty girl/ugly bloke, and these things die hard.
    But hey, men have screwed the planet so make hay while the sun shines

  2. I agree completely, Scott.
    T stuck to me like a limpet when I got made redundant (and we’re still skint); she stuck by me when I had to leave Cropredy early for my grandmother’s funeral (and then travelled back for the wake at Cropredy, not bad for a lass who gets very panicky as a motorway passenger!) and a million other things too legion to count that mean we’re in love because we love each other. Because I have Tammy, I really don’t care what people think of my status in life which is just as well because my status is low even by my own standards. Long live love! 😀

  3. Well my love we have both had our share of shallow relationships. The fact remains that my love for you is genuine. I love everything that comes with you because it is you. There have been days we didn’t like each other very much. There have never been days I didn’t love you. That is why there has always been a next day and a next. The love is real.

    My mother gave gifts instead of love, she thought the two were the same. My father gave love instead of gifts, spending time taking me to museums, teaching me how to find beauty in words and deeds when appearances were deceptive. My children have taught me the pitfalls of being judgmental. So no, my love, I have never been motivated by a bank account, perfect teeth or the number of impressive certificates on a wall. What I see in you is more valuable than any of those things.

  4. For hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, the sons of women who chose men with healthy genes and ability to provide for the child survived and had more breeding opportunities than the sons of women who bred with guys who were just nice. (The winners only had to be nice enough to provide for their families. Almost all women with functional reproductive systems have the opportunity to breed, so the daughters’ opportunities aren’t the lynchpin here). It’s true that women favour men who are strong, symmetrical in form, and have high status in the community. It’s not necessarily true that this selection is calculating.

    It’s probable that only recently have we evolved brains sophisticated enough to separate “desirability” from status and form. You better believe that you evolved from men who were judgmental enough to chose women whose genes would give their offspring the ability to chew their food for their whole life, and women who picked men strong and high status enough to bring home the bacon.

    Evolutionary pressures are lesser and different these days, so you can afford to have different standards.

  5. Good points…but I still find the picture funny. When I lived in Vegas, I would frequently see attractive, smart, funny, etc women with guys that were none of those things. So…I find it funny and move on. But, as usual, you have made me think. My head hurts.

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